Sunday, December 12, 2010

Western Australia april 2009

Perth Western Australia is a very pretty little city this
photo is taken south of Perth called dawesvill reminds
me of Venice with the waters so close to the houses.

Indiana's tea house Cottesloe beach, best views over the
Indian ocean and one of Perth's best beaches for surf,
sun and sand.

Fremantle south side of Perth about 20 km is full of
history with loads of heritage architecture, markets and
an old prison to explore fremantle sits along side the
Indian ocean and the swan river it was established in
1829 as a port for the swan river colony and was a major
city in Western Australia for much of it's early history.

Old heritage church Fremantle.

Old heritage building main street

Old heritage building Fremantle.

Just down from brookton west of Perth you may come
across a service station with this lovely ute painted with
Marilyn, Elvis and James dean and inside you can take
your photo beside the Elvis statues and look at all the
memorabilia including the Betty boo figurines.

Betty Boo.

On the way to Geraldton 450 km north of Perth you will
come across trees growing sideways this is due to all the
winds in the Geraldton region. Geraldton is known as the
windy city with lovely coast lines and is the gateway to
the magnificent Abrolhos Islands.

Geraldton main street. Geraldton is also known for its
windsurfing, kite flying, fishing and much much more.

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