Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Phuket Thailand 2008

The main transport in Thailand is the scooters/
motorbikes this is the best way to get around on
a budget.

Gasoline stand for the bikes and tyre repair.

The temples are stunning and well looked after make sure
you cover your shoulders when going there for religious

This dome brick structure is for letting of
fire crackers to ward of any bad spirits.

The snake show is well worth seeing they will have you
sitting on the edge of your seat.

One of the main streets that come alive at night filled with
open bars and plentyof lady boys dancing and wondering
around they can put on quite a show a must see for laugh's.

Great old Aussie bar comes alive at night like most of
Phukets main street, try your taste buds on some crickets
sold by the locals.

Sample some of the finest cockroach's, beetles and
bugs sold from the street carts.

  A day trip to the zoo is always fun and if your lucky you
  might get chosen for an elephant massage.

Also at the zoo the Thailand guys stick there heads in the
crocodiles mouth (eeekkk) not something i recommend
doing but great to watch.
Head out to the islands for a relaxing tour on the boats,
on monkey island you can feed the monkeys.

Here you can snorkel with the fish or just take a relaxing
swim in the crystal clear blue waters.
There are many islands to explore some including James
bond island Phi-Phi island and more and if your going to
Phuket for a holiday don't forget to have an elephant ride
what an experience and the shopping is fabulous for the girls.
All in all a great place to get away.

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